Former Air Force Signals Intelligence Analyst turned creative Software Developer, Certified Solutions Architect, and Advanced Certified Scrum Master with more than 8 years of experience developing dynamic front-end applications for users ranging from Law Enforcement to the Intelligence Community.
Booz Allen Hamilton December 2013 to Present
McLean, VA
Technical Lead
  • Responsible for the technical direction of a hybrid analytic-development team tasked with building interactive, web-based applications for members of the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and Law Enforcement
  • Manage the daily tasks for the development team, overseeing the development and maintenance of 23 applications, including Voltron
  • Lead the development of 9 new applications, 5 of which are written in Vue
  • Interact directly with client leadership and end users to define and prioritize requirements resulting in new applications or new features added to current applications
  • Architected and developed a static file server deployed across multiple enclaves and developed a mock server for development use, which has been implemented in 10 applications
  • Deliver weekly status reports and bimonthly technical roadmaps
  • Demo new applications and features to senior leadership
  • Developed core libraries that have become essential components of all applications
  • Other responsibilities include: technical design, code reviews, style guide development, conduct interviews, mentoring, and training
TechnologistDecember 2013 to May 2017
  • Developed innovative software solutions supporting users across the DoD, IC, and Law Enforcement communities
  • Created intuitive web-based visualizations allowing users to dynamically interrogate their data
  • Peer-reviewed code to ensure quality of work
  • Served as Product Owner for a new Persistent Data Service and have led the implementation of the service in 5 applications
  • Served as lead developer for 5 custom applications to support analysis projects
  • Provided mentorship for junior members of the team
United States Air Force May 2006 to September 2014
Beale AFB, CA
Signals Intelligence AnalystApril 2009 to September 2014
  • Provided near real-time threat picture for battlespace preparation to theater tactical commanders and warfighters
  • Performed analysis and reporting, ensuring proper timeliness and accuracy of intelligence reporting
  • Conducted quality control of SIGINT reports, ensuring proper analysis was performed
All-source Counter-IED Analyst
  • Reported possible/probable IED locations to Coalition Forces in their Areas of Responsibility
  • Conducted ad-hoc analysis providing fused intelligence information to tactical warfighters
Software Developer
  • Rapidly prototyped solutions to automate repetitive tasks saving analyst up to 7 hours per shift
  • Collaborated with analysts to find scoped solutions to their problem sets
Ground Fuels SpecialistMay 2006 to April 2009
  • Received, stored, and issued petroleum products for Air Force vehicles, aircraft, and support equipment
  • Supervised Bulk Storage transfers to Hydrant areas for flight line refuel operations
  • Responsible for 20+ million gallons of fuel transferred monthly, in Bulk Storage and Hydrants
  • Maintained quality control of petroleum fuels, automotive fuels, cryogenic fluids
George Mason University
B.S. Information Technology, with a concentration in Health IT
May, 2019 (In Progress)
Northern Virginia Community College
A.S. General Studies
August, 2016
  • Project Management
  • Graphic Design
  • Experienced with Agile process
  • Ability to multi-task and to switch context effectively
  • Ability to display endurance and capacity for a fast-paced work environment
  • Advanced Certified Scrum Master
  • Amazon Certified Solutions Architect
  • Certified Scrum Master
  • CompTIA Security+
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Express
  • Gatsby
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Vue.js
  • Vuepress
  • Webpack
Development Tools
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Git
  • Jira
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Microsoft Planner
  • Sketch
  • Trello
  • Visual Studio Code
Analytic Tools
  • Analyst’s Notebook
  • Catapult
  • DataXplorer
  • Esri ArcGIS
  • Google Earth
  • JEMA
  • M3
  • Palantir
  • TIDE
  • Voltron
  • mIRC

Open Source Contributions

Created gulp plugin to sort AngularJS project files in preparation for concatenation and minification.
Created a customized Commitizen adapter for use in personal projects.


Flagship application of JIDO’s Team Phoenix, supporting the DoD, IC, and Law Enforcement. One of the most well known and used applications in its category, used by more than 30,000 analysts. Have touched and modified most of the codebase. Actively managing the project to redesign and modernize the application using the Vue.js JavaScript framework.


Architected and developed a text extraction tool designed to be deployed on multiple networks and parsing and transforming the user’s provide documents or text. This configuration-driven application allows each deployment to be customized for that network. The application has been used by thousands of analysts to reduce the time completing the tedious task of looking for entities in a document to actually conducting analysis on their data.


Interactive, dynamic web visualization was the first assigned project, completed within four weeks of joining the team. It is still in use today to provided critical insights into user’s data.

  • Received multiple Booz Allen awards
  • US Air Force Achievement Medal
  • US Army Achievement Medal